Make maths, physics andelectrotechnics fun with conductive fix-marker! Great benefit of brand new Boffin Magnetic Lite is fix-marker with conductive paint. This supports creativity of
children and they are able to create more complex and fun projects. You can even create your own components using conductive marker, the number of components becomes infinite!
The construction kit works on principle of magnetism and conductive surfaces, which provides simple, quick and stable connection of all components.
In total more than 150 projects including:
Maze with different levels and lengths
DJ Booth
Anti-theft alarm (e.g. Food from the fridge)
Futuristic music projects (Playtronica)
Conductive 5-in-a-row
Door lock sensor
Possibility do draw a function button with conductive marker
Conductivity measurement of various items, such as banana, bread and
others, and more than 150 various projects. Order now here, already in stock!
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